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We need more Stags to join our Hens!

We are looking for males to star in our spring production of Stags and Hens by Willy Russell (Blood Brothers, Educating Rita), to be performed at Norden Farm from the 22nd - 25th March 2015. The play: Dave and Linda are getting married, but have unknowingly planned their stag and hen parties at the same club, on the same night. While Dave has his head in the toilet, Linda bumps into an old flame, Peter, and has to make a decision - does she stay in Liverpool and play it safe with Dave, or take a risk and run away with Peter? We are still in need of men with playing ages of 18-35 for the following roles:

Robbie – 25-27 – Thinks he’s ‘all that’ and God’s gift to women. Considers Eddy a rival.

Billy – 18-21 – A bit dippy. Young and acts like it. Looks up to Robbie and always trying to impress the other lads.

Kav – 20-30 - The joker of the group. Has artistic talent but doesn’t believe in himself.

Eddy – 25-30 – Good looking, doesn’t really have to try with the ladies. Good boy. Football captain, obsessed with his team. Cynical, short tempered and loyal.

Peter – 23 – 27 – Ex of Linda, in a mildly successful band. Ambitious, doesn’t understand why anyone wants to stay in Liverpool. Still in love with Linda.

Roadie – any age – Stereotypical roadie, jealous of Peter’s celeb status. Rehearsal dates are to be confirmed depending on cast availability, but will most likely be two evenings per week/Sunday afternoons, increasing to three rehearsals per week nearer to the performance dates. Auditions can be held by appointment. This is a great opportunity for some of the younger members of our group, if you or anyone you know would like to get involved, contact Beth Wood on 07920 400056 CLICK TO EMAIL. to see the audition pieces and arrange an audition. Performances - Wed 22nd - Sat 25th March 2017in the Studio at Norden Farm.

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