Puss in Boots Cast Announced!

The Characters
Emma Lancia Jack Our hero
Kate Dew Puss The clever, booted pussy cat
Tilly Mitchell Princess Alice The royal daughter ready for marriage
Robin Lovell King Herbert The King of the kingdom
Fiona Motterhaw Queen Mildred The Queen of the kingdom
Scott Kitson Lord Roger The Villain
Rob Harris Nosmo One of the King brothers
Patrick Ashe Nopar The other King brother
Matt Filmore Dame Hettie Quette Auntie to the hero
Ros Inglis Narrator The story teller
Ensemble (Adults and Children) Villagers, animals, guards and courtiers
Kiera Ash, Kimberley Coulson, Jane Donovan, Katie Fleming, Anna Gambrill, Naomi Hennessey, Corinna Harriot, James Harold, Graham Howarth, Eleanor Northcote, Sam Partridge, Charlotte Porter, Rebecca Whalley, Beth Wood.
In addition there will be a further Children's Audition in the form of a Workshop on the 7th October between 6pm-7pm at Foundation Park, no advance preparation is required.
If you join the cast you will be required to become a member.